*BRUNEL Explained*

Moving intelligently towards the wind thrust force: Yaw control of single point moored floating wind turbines

Fred. Olsen 1848, along with industry partners, has developed a framework to stabilize single point moored floating wind turbines while optimizing the positioning against the wind thrust for increased energy production.

A framework that deepens the understanding of the dynamic behavior of single point moored floating foundations, but is also applicable for all floating foundations.

The framework assists the wind turbine and the floating foundation to get to the most optimal position, which results in:

Increased Power Production: The wind turbine aligns with the wind in response to the environment and stays in the most optimal position

Increased Uptime and Reliability: Reduce the use of the wind turbine yaw actuators

Optimized Structural Design: Uni-directional loading reduces floating foundation motions

Partners involved:

IFE, a frontrunner in international energy research, has the overall responsibility for the implementation of control strategies. 

ZX Lidars provides expertise on how lidar measurements can be considered as a tool for improving the response, reducing loads, and improve the yaw alignment and the power production

7Waves, an engineering company specializing in naval architecture and marine engineering, is supporting the project with valuable competence in validation and verification in a separate simulation environment.



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The BRUNEL floating foundation is designed to unlock the potential of floating wind. A floating wind turbine foundation with both strong technical and commer...